I have wanted a vintage scale for a while now...I have seen them all over blog land and loved the way they were incorporated in everyone's home decor.
Miss Mustard Seed has a great scale in her kitchen. You can see it in the corner of one of her pictures
So, the hunt has been on...being the frugal type buyer that I am...I wanted one for a song, of course.
I saw a couple in an antique mall while shopping with a friend and said "Are you kidding me? I'm not paying that."
Then I went with the same friend on a VERY quick trip to Round Top Antiques Week. Saw some there and all I could do is gasp in disbelief at the price, then kick myself for not buying one of the great ones I saw at the antique mall.
Then, Vintage Harley Chick said, "Hey I bought a scale off of ebay" What??? It was on then...Me and her...two peas in a pod...we like the same things and hoard crafting supplies...but that is another post...
So, here is my ebay find...and I love it...I had the perfect spot for it as soon as it came out of the box.
So many other things on my list of 'treasures I want to hunt down', but for now...
I am totally enjoying this little treasure.
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