Tuesday, April 16, 2013

He let me in his room.....

I have two sons, wonderful, kind, and fun...The oldest is in college and my youngest is a senior in high school....those of you that have sons, big or small, know that there comes a time when decorating their room just becomes....
....not important to them....
Corey played basketball through high school and has enjoyed his senior year.
We are still planning his next move...as with a lot of us, me included, growing up is just hard to do sometimes.
But we do....eventually
Last summer I mentioned that I would love to "update" his room
his answer was, "um, no"
Thank you Pinterest!!! I was able to show him some of my ideas and promised him that it would be "cool"
The first thing I found were these really cool lockers at Canton Trade Days
They were in pretty good shape but I knew the blue would not work.
It was nothing a little spray paint wouldn't fix.
I taped off the numbers at the top of the doors and the handles.
Easy peasy...
I have a nice supply of pallets that I have collected and I wanted to make something for his tv, etc

I told him that I did not want any help, mainly because I was winging this...I had no plans and I was making things up as I cut, hammered, beat, screwed and cussed....maybe just twice
When I finished and went to get him...
he was pleasantly surprised...
Sometimes it is hard to tell on an 18 yr olds face but he seemed to really like it....

I have had some REALLY old casters that I have moved with us for a while knowing that someday...someday...I would use them for something really cool!!!
The next project was his headboard. He was totally on board with this because he picked this out from my pinterest board.
Ana White is a rockstar.
She offers the absolute coolest projects..with the plans for anyone to build, even us!!!


I will be honest, I cannot remember how much the lumber cost for this, I actually altered the plans to make it taller...
note to self...measure the height that you want with the height of your interior doors
duh!!! hello!!!
A little sweat dripped from my brow when we went to move it into his room, but it cleared by  millimeters...seriously
He was a huge help with this and this is something that he can easily take with him when he moves out, he will move out, won't he, some day?

 I love the look of this headboard....Because I altered the plans and made it ginormous, we ended up using "L" brackets to attach it to the wall so that it would not tilt forward.

This was a piece of fencing we dug out of someones trash knowing it would be perfect for a sign. I asked Corey if he had a favorite bible verse and he quoted this, without hesitation...
Sometimes they surprise you, huh?
A little peak at the lockers, pallet stand, and sign all together....The tv needed to be lifted slightly...a vintage suitcase fit right in. There is so much more I could have and would have done in here but I felt sooo pleased just to get to do this much, and to do it with him....
Blessed to have my boys :)

Linking up with

Metamorphosis Monday

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